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Free Summer Fun Day gets great turnout August 18, 2021 @ 4:16pm

fcss free summer fun day west stettler park

The sun was out and the breeze was up for the (excluding COVID) Second Annual Free Summer Fun Day at West Stettler Park on Wednesday August 18, 2021. The event was a joint operation with local groups sponsoring different activities free to the public.

The event was hosted by FCSS, Heartland Youth Centre, Home Church, McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association, CARS program, TJ Tankers

and Stettler Ag Society.

Stettler FCSS Executive Director, Shelly Walker, said that they were very glad to be able to put the free event on for the community again. They were unable to last year due to COVID restrictions, however the year previous had been a wonderful success. The several community-minded groups were eager to do something like it again.

The event included Battle Balls, which are inflatable ‘bubbles’ that people then slip over their upper torsos, and can then do jumps, and rolls, or run into their friends without injury. Two different styles of bouncy castles and kids could play pong with an inflatable ball and colored buckets, Giant Jenga, and Connect Four.

TJ Tankers provided the barbecue trailer, as well as the staff to run it and serve the over 300 free hot dogs. All the hot dogs, buns, condiments and other supplies were donated by Sobey’s and Sean’s No Frills.

Volunteers from the Stettler Home Church, and FCSS were at the gate accepting donations for the Tools For School program, and accepting cash and other donations. You could also enter your name into the draw to win one of the several summer prize packs that were available.

Walker says they were happy to see so many people coming out.

Walker also gave particular note to the office’s summer student, Tianna Kirtley, who she reports did a great job putting a lot of it together for the community.

Carson Ellis, REporter

free summer fun day stettler fcss

summer fun day stettler


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