What's Your News?
Email your article to StettlerLocal@gmail.com
We invite youth to write articles on their sports teams, volunteers to write articles about their fundraisers, and members of the community to share news that they feel is important. You don't have to be a professional journalist, you just have to want to contribute to your community.
We do not publish opinion pieces or Letters to the Editor.
Articles need to be at least 300 words in length.
Articles must be original and not published anywhere else on the internet.
If you did not take the photos that you are submitting, please give photo credit to the photographer.
Include the 5 Ws when writing your article...Who, What, Where, When & Why, (and if applicable) How.
Submit at least one picture with your article (maximum of five).
Please ensure you have permission to publish images.
We reserve the right to edit all news stories.
All age groups are encouraged to share stories.
Stories submitted will be accredited to the writer.
By submitting the article you give permission to StettlerLocal.com to publish the article in perpetuity.