August 18, 2021 @ 4:06pm
Town of Stettler Councillors met for a regular meeting on August 17, 2021. No delegations and or public were in attendance.
Assistant CAO Steve Gerlitz gave his regular budget and capital budget report. He also presented the accounts payable report and noted that the budget and the accounts were on track with previous years and expected income and expenditures. Since there were no issues of concern, the council was able to accept his reports.
CAO Greg Switenky spoke briefly offering his regular report on the town. He made special mention of the offices of Melissa Robbin, and Leann Graham who have had several large projects on the go this year. The CAO’s report is also given regularly and is to help keep the council be aware of any possible concerns, or problems they may have to deal with either now or down the road. His report was accepted by the council.
Council briefly reviewed their preset remuneration formula. This formula is a framework for both the base salary, per diems, and expenses of current and future councils. With the upcoming elections in October, it is customary to review the formula to see if any changes need to be made. The previous council had reviewed the formula before the last election and decided to keep it as is at that time. This decision, even though the CRA rules on what could be taxed on municipal council salaries were set to change before the end of the next council’s term. Switenky wanted to discuss the option of adjusting the formula due to the change in CRA rules explaining that many municipalities had already adjusted their pay schedules to reflect the changes before their previous elections. Switenky said that currently, the mayor’s base salary is roughly average to other communities, but that the councilors’ is a bit below the average. He explained that one option was to increase the rate of pay just enough that the net pay would be the same after the CRA increase, as it would have been without the change.
Another item he noted was that the town’s formula also factored in the annual economic increases in union staff pay. This automatic increase was to be reflective of increases in the economy. Councilor Campbell noted that the automatic adjustments were good to have he said as it is often difficult for the council to address making economic increases in their pay.
“It’s probably the toughest job. Maybe the most embarrassing job….” Councilor Campbell
Switenky did recommend council reviewing a fractional increase to reflect the CRA changes. The topic was motioned to be tabled for further review and discussion and the motion was carried.
Councilor Smith remarked on the Heartland Beautification Committee member, Rob Spencer, leaving the committee and how the active member will be missed.
Councilor Fischer was happy to report the work on the first two Community Builders monuments is nearing completion. The project was originally expected to be done by now however, the committee was delayed due to COVID restrictions. Fischer said the group has been working to find quality images that can be used to be engraved into the displays. He reminded the council that he has arranged for a Vintage and Classic Car tour that starts by dipping their wheels in the water of one coast and driving across the country to do the same on the other coast, to spend 2 days in Stettler. He is working with local groups, and tourist attractions to make the most of their time here.
Before the meeting was adjourned, Switenky noted that the provincial COVID guidelines which were set to expire, have been extended for another month. Councillor Campbell then motioned the meeting to adjourn and it was carried.
Carson Ellis, Reporter