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Stettler Spotlight - Rose Chapman August 17, 2021

Stettler Spotlight on Rose Chapman

Where are you from?

I am from Rocky Mountain House, I lived there my whole childhood, and on and off until I was 26. I went to the same school from K-12 and was lucky to grow up with a tight, fun class of only 30 or so kids.

Why did you choose Stettler as home?

I came to Stettler in 2007. I was in a relationship and wanted a change from Rocky. I have loved Stettler since the beginning - my grandma and some other family were from Stettler, Erskine and Big Valley, so I often visited the area as a child. I have fond memories of the old gas station that used to be beside the now KFC (so much candy!), and the arcade at the mall back in the day. I enjoy the small town, but not too small, feeling of this community.

What do you do?

I am currently the Manager at the Jewel Theatre. I started managing the Theatre in 2014 after having a day home for 2 years after having my own children. I had various office jobs in Oilfield and Accounting firms prior. I also co-managed the clubhouse at Pine Hills Golf Club for 6 years. And waitressing....a lot of waitressing.

Tell us about your family?

I am a single mother of two super awesome girls, 10 & 12 years old. We do most everything together and they got to grow up in the theatre with me! I am in a beautiful, fun relationship and I am having a blast with life.

Did you go to school?

I went to Red Deer College for Business. Most of my skills and talents have been mentored by some amazing people and bosses or self taught. I really enjoy learning new things but sometimes wish there was more time to learn!

Who inspired you in your youth?

I have been so lucky in my life, seeming to go from one mentor to another. A promotion at a very early age, and at a very unqualified time in my life, taught me so much about hard work, customer relations and life. I will always be forever grateful for that particular boss and the friendship we had. From there I've had more great bosses and have learned new things from each and still going strong.

Who inspires you now?

These days my partner inspires me to stay positive, work hard and love life. My kids inspire me to have fun, be silly and more kind - patient too, but that's a work in progress.

Do you have any hobbies?

I like to stay active, playing sports, working out, riding my bike and hiking. I started snowboarding and haven't broke anything yet. Once in a while I pick up my guitar and remember I need to practice more often. I wouldn't say I'm a pro at anything but I love to do anything active and fun - I am also super competitive even though I usually lose. Puzzles and games are some of my favorites - I love me a great Escape Room too! And how could I forget movies. Have always loved getting lost in them, especially a good thriller/mystery or true story.

Future plans?

My future plans revolve mainly around my kids. Work hard for them and teach them to be independent women. Learn new things from my new employer, she has a wild array of skills that I would love to hone in on.

Anything else you would like to add about being a resident of Stettler?

I am a small town girl who loves to stay busy but who does not like busyness around me. Stettler has everything I need to be happy, healthy and content. My children love their town, their awesome schools and teachers and the safe feeling of knowing people and businesses around them. My oldest daughter thinks we have the cutest main Street around! I agree. A great, supportive community where people really try to help each other. Can't ask for more.

Thank you to Rose Chapman for agreeing to be our Stettler Spotlight this week!


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