October 22, 2021 @9:00am

At William E Hay Stettler Secondary Campus, the Theatre Arts program is finding its enrollment up and advisor, Darren Fleischhacker (aka Mr. Fly), says there was a big showing for this year’s auditions for ‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.’
Darren says that nearly every student who auditioned was offered a part in the production. He creates a chorus to accompany the show to make sure each student gets to participate and says they have eleven students working in the backstage crew.
This year’s group is very excited to work towards their production, as it is something that they all feel passionate towards. Darren says that even if they have to perform to a one-third capacity crowd, they are still looking forward to having a live audience. “For a real production, the audience becomes an important character that gives so much energy to performers.” Last year’s production of “Little Women” was done virtually, which was a great challenge for the group.
The group’s backup plan, should restrictions require one, is to do their production via live stream. Last year’s experience has taught him a lot about filming a live show, requiring him to get up close and personal with the actors while they were performing. The pandemic has caused growth and innovation in that way. “The close-ups and audio quality made for one of the best recordings of a show on the PAC stage.” says Darren.
Their show of ‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon’ is tentatively planned for February 2022, with the group also considering a second production of a Grade 12 dinner theatre in late May or early June.

Jimilee Ayotte, Editor