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Jewel Theatre - Sensory Screening - Oct 24

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

Addams Family 2 - Oct 24, 11:00am

Sensory Screenings are a unique opportunity for individuals living with autism and others to enjoy films in a safe and accepting environment. To provide a more accepting and comfortable setting for individuals on the spectrum, we keep our theatre lights turned slightly up (dim lights will remain on), the sound turned slightly down, and there are no loud trailers before the movie starts.

Additionally, audience members are welcome to get up and dance, walk about, visit with other guests, and even sing! Being able to relax and enjoy quality family time without worrying if someone will complain or be disturbed by the noise of movement is a beautiful experience. Many not on the autism spectrum also enjoy sensory-friendly films as it’s an excellent opportunity for families to meet, siblings of children with autism to get to know other kids, and anyone to enjoy a movie in a climate of acceptance and understanding.

Because we understand that some have special dietary needs, families are permitted to bring their own snacks from home.

For questions about our Sensory Screenings, please call Rose at 403-323-5555.

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