November 17, 2020 @ 9:30pm
Town of Stettler Council met November 17, 2020 at 6:30pm at the Town of Stettler boardroom. Agenda and highlights of the meeting below.
For the full minutes of the meeting go to the Town of Stettler website.
Delegation 1
Heartland Youth Centre Delegation Winnie Bissett, Dakota Derr and Amanda Churchill.
Winnie Bissett read a piece from a Calgary news organization stating that "20% of Alberta's non-profits may have to close their doors due to the oil slump and COVID-19 in 2021". Bissett also reports that one good thing about this tough year is that the community understands the need for more volunteers. Dakota Derr spoke to her experience at the Heartland Youth Centre. The Town of Stettler funding for the Heartland Youth Centre was unanimously approved for the next year.

Delegation 2
A Delegation from the Stettler Handibus included Cindy MacDonell and Judy McKnight.
MacDonell reported the van is for sale as of January 1st as the out of town service has had to be discontinued. The savings from operating this service will be focused on the local "big bus" operations. MacDonell stated that the average loss of every out of town trip was an average of $100. The majority of riders can't afford the roundtrip out of town much less an increase in cost to sustain the service. Handibus staff is meeting with Superfluity at the end of the month to discuss possible funding and reports not knowing if there will be any funding from the County of Stettler this year. A new bus was leased in the Spring and the money raised to purchase a new bus is being saved in a GIC and is being used for the new bus lease payments. There were 6,811 riders on the Handibus in 2019. Council voted unanimously to approve $25,000 to the continued operations of the Stettler & District Handibus and this is the same funding provided the last three years.
Reallocation of Staff Christmas Party Budget
CAO, Greg Switenky stated the town staff had brought forward the idea that with the inability to have a Christmas Party the budget for that event could be reallocated as a donation to the Stettler Festival of Lights. A motion was made by Councillor Campbell and it was carried unanimously.
Offer to purchase town lot
Sam Sharp offered the Town of Stettler $300.00 for lot 5013-50 Avenue Lot 32, Block 7, Plan 6217AH. Assessed Value of the property is $70,230.00. Council rejected the offer unanimously.
Staff Recognition
Historical Background: As an important aspect of overall Human Resources Strategy, Council has considered an annual recognition for all Town Staff over the past number of years, as follows:
2010 - $250 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2011 - $300 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2012 - $300 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2013 - $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2014 - $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2015 - $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2016 - $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2017 - $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2018 - $350 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
2019 - $350 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars
See Agenda for details on the following:
Business license fees stays the same for another year
Cat and Dog license fees will stay the same for another year
Expense Statement
Capital Summary
Bank Reconciliation as of October 31, 2020
Tax Receivable
CAO Report
COVID-19 Review
Cheque Distribution
Accounts Payable
Upcoming Meeting schedule:
Tuesday, December 1 – Council – 6:30pm
Monday, December 7 – Regional Water Meeting
Tuesday, December 8 – 2021 Interim Budget Deliberations –3:30pm
Tuesday, December 8 – COW – 4:30pm
Tuesday, December 15 – Council (2021 Interim OperatingBudget) – 6:30pm
Tuesday, January 5 – Council – 6:30pm
Monday, January 11 – 2021 Strategic Planning Workshop –3pm
Tuesday, January 12 – COW – 4:30pm
Tuesday, January 19 – Council – 6:30pm
Monday, January 25 – 2021 Capital Budget Deliberation
Councillors Meeting Reports
FCSS elections & budget
Museum Meeting
Bring in a facilitator for the museum for Strategic Planning
Beautification meeting elections
Library budget
Board of Trade Meeting
Parkland Regional Library
Hospital Foundation Meeting
Committee of the Whole
No Stone Left Alone
Stettler Community Builders Committee
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Mayor - Talk of the Town
Mayor - Stampede Committee & Budget Review
Bylaw 2135-20 - 2021 Business Tax Levy
....AND WHEREAS the Town of Stettler having passed Bylaw No. 1783-97 to assess certain businesses within the Town of Stettler; AND WHEREAS the Town of Stettler wishes to fix the 2021 Business Tax Mill Rate for the purposes of levying a Business Tax in 2021; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Stettler, duly assembled, enacts as follows:
1. That the tax rate for Business Tax in the Town of Stettler shall be fifteen (15.0) mills on the business assessment for the taxation year 2021.
2. That the Assistant CAO of the Town of Stettler is hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect the rate herein affixed in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26 as amended, or repealed and replaced from time to time.
3. The 2021 Business Tax Levy is for ordinary Municipal expenditures.
4. This bylaw shall come into force and effect on the date of final passing thereof
The next Town of Stettler meeting is scheduled for December 1st and the community is invited to attend.