Board of Trade Press Release November 25, 2020 @ 2:07pm published at 2:15pm

Event plans have had to change but the spirit of the season has not Premier Jason Kenney has declared a State of Public Health Emergency and with that several new enhanced rules have been implemented to keep the citizens of our province safe. Along with the implementation of the rules, the Town of Stettler and the Stettler Regional Board of Trade and Community Development have decided to cancel the upcoming Moonlight Madness and Miracle on 50th happenings around our community.
“We want to stay off the enhanced list and in order to do that, we need to reduce gatherings as much as possible” said Stacey Benjamin, Executive Director of the Stettler Regional Board of Trade and Community Development of the changes in the plans.
“It is with great saddness that we need to cancel one of Stettler’s most beloved traditions however the safety of our community is our primary concern” stated Donna Morris, Project Manager at the Stettler Regional Board of Trade and Community Development
Although the event plans have had to change, the spirit of the season has not. Local businesses are still able to stay open. Many are offering online shopping and/or curb side pick up options making it easier to gather your every day needs or that perfect item for under the tree. Businesses are encouraged to extend their Moonlight Madness sales if possible and we are requesting all to share their websites so we can further promote their offerings through the next few weeks of restrictions.
Changes will also be occurring to the way the Think Local, Shop Stettler Cash Cards promotion is being held in order to keep everyone safe and still celebrate and say thank you for the continued support through this trying year.
Watch for further updates on the Stettler Regional Board of Trade Facebook page and website and visit the business directory on
Photos and Media enquiries may be directed to:
Donna Morris, Project Manager
Stettler Regional Board of Trade & Community Development