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Local Spotlight on Tana Nixon March 8, 2022 @ 8:00pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

Well, that's a good question, lol. When asked, I tend to say that I am from the Red Deer "area". Born in Ft St John, BC, but then my Mom and I ended up in Red Deer when I was about 4. We moved to an acreage south of Sylvan Lake before I was 6 , and I attended Grades 1 thru 7 in Sylvan. We then moved to a couple different acreages east of Red Deer so then attended River Glen School and then graduated from Camille J Lerouge Collegiate in Red Deer. Grad 88 rules! LOL At 18 I moved to Calgary for 3 years, before moving back to Red Deer at 21.

Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?

My Mom and Dad, actually moved to just a bit NW of Stettler, a couple years before I did. I was visiting them and the town regularly, and absolutely Loved the feeling that I had, walking down Main Street, and bombing about town. Loved the small town atmosphere but with just the hint of a city vibe that it was growing at the time. I had been dating Kent, who was from Stettler, and had gotten to know a handful of people. My grandparents also moved here shortly after my parents did, so it was the place that I wanted to be. I did some inquiries with some real estate offices in town to find out if they felt that the services of a Mortgage Broker could be used. I didn't want to leave my growing career that I had established in Red Deer, and the feedback was positive, so I made the move. I set up up my office in my house for the first year, before moving into the office that I still occupy 18 years later.

What do you do? What is your full title?

I am a Mortgage Agent, otherwise known as a Mortgage Broker. And I carry the national designation of AMP - Accredited Mortgage Professional. I operate The Mortgage Centre franchise here in Stettler. My personal company contracts to the owners of the franchise, Sky Financial Corporation.


I do not have post-secondary education actually, which surprises some, other than obtaining my training through Mount Royal College for the Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association Mortgage Broker course. As mentioned, I obtained the further designation of an Accredited Mortgage Professional. I also stay on top of all my Continuing Education requirements to hold my Mortgage broker license through all our National and Provincial governing entities. I also like to think of myself as somewhat of a lifelong learner, partaking in many self-improvement courses and webinars.


I am married to Kent Nixon, and we have one child together, 15 year old Josh. I also have 3 stepchildren from Kent's first marriage, and we have 2 grandchildren. They are all here in Stettler now. My Dad passed away in 2020, but my Mom is still here, on their acreage just a few miles down the same road as us. I technically have 3 half brothers, and a step brother and step sister, spread from BC to SK. My natural father and his wife live at Medicine Hat. My grandparents are gone, my Grandma most recently in 2021. My in laws are here in Stettler County as well. We always had what was called a Yours, Mine, and Ours family, which was confusing to some, but that was part of the fun!

Who inspired you in your youth? No question, whether I knew it or not, my Mom. Strength shown through adversity was shown and learned well, I think. Make the changes that need to happen to be happy and will get you to where you want or need to be. Work hard, but also play hard. And she always looked good while doing it. 😊 I also had a maiden Aunt, that passed away here in Stettler even though she didn't live here, and I think that as a young woman I learned a lot about family, as well as female independence and the importance of education in any form, from her. I never realized this before she was gone.

Who inspires you now?

Still, my Mom. Also, my son and my husband - they are good people and make me a better person. And my tribe. I am inspired by these women that I surround myself with, and am inspired, challenged, and motivated by them all the time. Also, the incredible people that are in my industry, that I am constantly learning from. And the people of Stettler - they are the best.

Do you have any hobbies?

Volunteering. I spend a lot of what would otherwise possibly be some free time, doing that, LOL. I sit on quite a few boards and committees, and I Love to be involved in the community and its events. Also being a very involved Mom, of a pretty busy teenager, is a hobby unto itself. Golf, camping, many outdoor activities and sports. A campfire and friends are extremely high on my list of favourite hobbies. Improvements to our acreage are also a constant love of mine. And I read, a lot.

What are your plans for the future?

To try and get a well-adjusted and capable son out the door one day! LOL, I want to continue to grow my business, and look at expanding with an assistant. I also would like to do some courses and education outside of the office to help potential homebuyers. And to continue on with improvements to our acreage. Can't imagine leaving Stettler for good, so need to continue digging in our roots. I have done quite a bit of travelling in the past though, and want to eventually stroke some more destinations off the bucket list.

Anything else you would like to add about being a resident of Stettler County?

What can I say about Stettler, that most don't already know! We are the Heart of Alberta for a reason. People with the most compassionate and giving hearts live here or are from here, and that has been shown over and over. There is something for pretty much anyone, and always something going on that you could be a part of if you desire to. Our schools are top-notch, and I am happy that this is where I was living when I had a child. This community supports me and my family, both in my business and personally, and so I support my Community and am very happy to say that this is Home.

Thank you to Tana Nixon for participating in our Local Spotlights.


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