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Local Spotlight on Kirk Blake November 2, 2021 @ 9:00pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?


Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?

I was born and raised in Stettler but have lived elsewhere over the years for work and school. Even then, anytime I came back to Stettler it always felt like heading home. My wife and I decided on a permanent move back to Stettler when we were ready to start having children. At that point there was nowhere else we'd rather be.

What do you do? What is your full title?

I am a Master Electrician with a PEC (Professional Electrical Contractor) designation. I own/work at Ampko Electric here in town originally started by my father Owen in 1978 and bought him out in 2006.


Married to my wife Tera of nearly 20 years, a 17 year old daughter Evie and a 15 year old son Connor


I did my 4 years of apprenticeship training at RDC (now RDP), Received my Masters Certification from NAIT, and my PED Designation was 4 years of courses through the ECAA in Edmonton. I also have a Theatre Studies Diploma majoring in Theatre Technology from RDC. I learn something new at work pretty much every day, sometimes the hard way. My involvement with The Stettler Kinsmen and Kin Canada has offered me personal and professional development opportunities that have been invaluable in every aspect of my life.

Who inspired you in your youth? My parents. Watching them raise our family, working in the family business, and yet still being able to donate so much time to the community. I was raised by volunteers and its now a foundation of who I am.

Who inspires you now?

That's a tie. The kids I get the opportunity to coach make me want to be better in every aspect of my life. Seeing kids learn and improve so much playing a game they love reminds me to find joy in everything I do. The other is the many many people I see stepping up to take care of the needs of the community. Quietly filling roles that need filled and doing jobs that need done. I hope they all know they're inspiring others even if there isn't fanfare to go along with it. We see you volunteers, and appreciate all you do.

Do you have any hobbies?

I coach sports when my work schedule allows. I devote a lot of time to Kinsmen & Kin Canada but it doesn't feel like work so it must be a hobby! In the time I have left I like to camp as much as possible.

What are your plans for the future?

I'm still growing my business and I don't see that changing in the near future (I hope!) so the immediate future should look a lot like the present. Down the road I'll hopefully retire from my paying job and dedicate more time to the unpaying ones.

Anything else you would like to add about being a resident of Stettler?

Moving back here was the best decision I've made and I've loved raising my kids in the same community I grew up in.

Thank you to Kirk Blake for participating in our Local Spotlights.


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