June 28, 2022 at 5:40pm
edited Jun 30, 10:25pm

List of Local Canada Events
*See below for more details on these events
9-11am Pancake Breakfast - Stettler Town & Country Museum
10am-12pm Pancake Breakfast - Donalda
10am Gymkhana Starts with Weiner Roast and fireworks following - Endiang - POSTPONED
11am World Drum Circle - West Stettler Park
11am-5pm Activities at the Stettler Town & Country Museum
11am-12:30pm Free BBQ Lunch - Big Valley
11am Parade - White Sands
12pm Flag raising, Hot Dog lunch and Cake - Rochon Sands
12-4pm Pie & Coffee, Hot Dogs & Ice Cream - Donalda
12-4pm Food & Entertainment - White Sands
12:30-1pm Bike Parade - Big Valley
1pm Minions : The Rise of Gru Matinee - Jewel Theatre Stettler
1-1:30pm Parade Prizes - Big Valley
1:30-2:30pm Cake - Big Valley
1-4pm Kids Carnival, Petting Zoo, Face Painting - Donalda
3:30pm Parade - Donalda
5pm Steak Supper - Donalda
7pm Cupcakes - West Stettler Park
8pm Loose Change plays West Stettler Park
Dusk Fireworks - Rochon Sands, West Stettler Park, Donalda, Endiang

Rochon Sands Canada Day
Please join us at the flag pole on Canada Day at noon for the flag raising and singing Oh Canada.
Hot dogs and cake to follow directly after at the hall.
Fireworks - Rochon Sands Marina - Friday July 1 at Dusk. Donations can be sent to or dropped off in person at the Snak Shak.

Stettler Canada Day Celebrations
Stettler Town & Country Museum - $5 pancake breakfast from 9-11 AM, scavenger hunt, agricultural demonstrations, and free museum admission.
11 AM-5 PM at the Stettler Town and Country Museum, activities include a craft station and puppet show hosted by the Stettler Public Library in addition to bouncy houses, bubble soccer, lawn games, face painting, free hot dogs and more, all sponsored by the Stettler and District FCSS! In the case of inclement weather, these activities will be held at the Stettler Recreation Centre.
Festivities at West Stettler Park begin at 11 AM with a World Drum Circle honouring survivors and mourning the loss of our nation’s Indigenous children. Participants are encouraged to bring their own chair and drum or percussion, if available.

Evening celebrations kick off at the West Stettler Park Gazebo with cupcakes at 7pm, and live entertainment provided by Loose Change at 8pm. The night will conclude with a dazzling fireworks display beginning at dusk. All nearby public parking lots, with the exception of the West Stettler Park West Lot, will be accessible.

Donalda Canada Day Celebration
Pancake Breakfast @ 10-12*
Pie & Coffee, Hot Dogs and Ice Cream @ 12-4*
Kids Carnival, Petting Zoo, Face Painting and more 1-4*
Parade Start @ 3:30
Steak Supper @ 5
Live Entertainment
Fireworks at Dark
*Cost Associated
Call 403-741-9357 for more information

Big Valley Canada Day
11:00 - 12:30 Free BBQ Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 Bike Parade for all ages
1:00 - 1:30 Prizes
1:30 - 2:30 Cake
There will be 3 prizes for the Best Decorated Bikes
Special Appearance from Rosco the Clown and an activity planned from the Friends of the Big Valley Library.
Please Register your children at the Admin office to ensure enough surprise bags - Thank you!
Summer Village of White Sands
Parade - Muster 10am at the end of Front Street for Judging and prizes
11am Parade Begins
Food and entertainment 12- 4pm at the Community Hall

Endiang Canada Day Memorial Gymkhana
POSTPONED due to wet conditions
Starts at 10am
Free admission
Concession on the grounds
Entries closed
Weiner Roast and Fireworks following the Gymkhana