In total, 11,923 Albertans have now recovered from COVID-19. There are 49 people in hospital, seven of whom are in intensive care.
Latest updates
108 new cases were identified in the last 24 hours.
Total number of active cases is now 1,158.
As of today, all zones across the province have cases:
Calgary zone: 375 active cases and 6,750 recovered
South zone: 18 active cases and 1,684 recovered
Edmonton zone: 589 active cases and 2,240 recovered
North zone: 148 active cases and 679 recovered
Central zone: 25 active cases and 542 recovered
three active cases and 28 recovered cases in zones to be confirmed
Additional information, including case totals, is online.
To date, 1,954 cases have an unknown exposure.
There were 10,089 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
Alberta labs have now performed 922,397 tests on 736,405 Albertans.
There were two deaths in the last 24 hours.
Total number of deaths is 237: 118 in the Calgary zone; 60 in the Edmonton zone; 28 in the North zone; 24 in the South zone; and seven in the Central zone.
There are 41 active cases and 958 recovered cases at continuing care facilities; 157 facility residents have died.
MyHealth Records quick access
Albertans age 14 and up can access the MyHealth Records (MHR) tool immediately after signing up without waiting for mail-out verification.
Users can see their COVID test results as soon as they are ready.
More than 250,000 Albertans have MHR accounts.
School health measures
K-12 classrooms will open with health measures in place.
Masks will be mandatory for Grade 4 to 12 students and all school staff in all settings where distancing isn’t possible.
Government is distributing more than 1.6 million reusable masks, two each to 740,000 students and 90,000 staff.
A re-entry tool kit is online for parents and students. The parent guide is available in seven languages.
The Resource Guide for COVID-19 Outbreaks in Schools lists protocols if one person has symptoms, if a school has a confirmed case, or if a school has an outbreak.
Health officials will monitor and update the guidance for schools based on the best evidence.
Teacher, staff and student testing before the 2020-21 school year
Asymptomatic testing is recommended for all teachers and staff in Early Childhood Services to Grade 12 education, prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year.
They are encouraged to book a test as soon as possible through Alberta Health Services using the online self-assessment tool, or by contacting a participating local community pharmacy.
For children, testing is recommended only if there are symptoms or pre-existing medical conditions that have symptoms similar to COVID-19.
Anyone with symptoms must book testing through Alberta Health Services and cannot go to a community pharmacy. People with symptoms and close contacts receive priority.
Asymptomatic testing in community pharmacies
About 220 community pharmacies are part of Alberta’s pharmacy asymptomatic testing program.
Pharmacies are invited to join the voluntary program and offer asymptomatic testing.
To ensure availability for teachers and staff, Albertans with no symptoms and no known exposure to COVID are asked to wait until after Sept. 1 to access testing.
Risk assessment tool
The online risk assessment tool can help people identify if they are at high risk of having a severe outcome. The tool also provides information on how to mitigate that risk.
Albertans downloading tracer app
Currently, 237,987 Albertans are using the ABTraceTogether app. Secure contact tracing is a cornerstone of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy.
A fix is being developed so the Alberta app can run in the background of locked iPhones.
Canada is moving to a national tracing app. Until it is available here, we encourage Albertans to use ABTraceTogether.
We will ensure the best possible transition for users when the national app is rolled out in Alberta.
Court of Queen’s Bench
The Court of Queen’s Bench has new email filing procedures. Filing by fax is no longer accepted.
Summonses are being sent for jury selection and jury trials starting in September. For safety, jury selection and some jury trials will be off-site; summonses have locations.
Short, judge-alone criminal trials will continue to be heard via WebEx video, and in-person in COVID-safe courtrooms, until Dec. 18, 2020.
With a number of judicial matters continuing to proceed via video-conferencing, the Court of Queen’s Bench developed an etiquette guide for online hearings for participants.
More information is available at https://www.albertacourts.ca/qb/resources/announcements.
Traffic court
Do not attend a courthouse in person for any traffic trial scheduled up to and including Sept. 4.
Instead, visit the Provincial Court of Alberta website for details on rescheduling.
Alberta’s Recovery Plan
Alberta’s recovery plan will create jobs, economic diversification and a strong economic future.
Supporting Alberta businesses through relaunch
The Alberta Biz Connect web page has health and safety guidelines for general workplaces and specific industry sectors. Check for new and updated guidance documents.
Businesses may complete an online template to plan how to protect employees and patrons.
Addiction and mental health supports
Confidential supports are available. The Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642 and the Addiction Help Line at 1-866-332-2322 operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Canadian Mental Health Association has resources at mentalhealthweek.ca.
The Kids Help Phone is available 24-7 and offers professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people by texting CONNECT to 686868.
Online resources provide advice on handling stressful situations and ways to talk with children.
Homelessness supports
The Alberta government is providing an additional $48 million to help shelter operators continue to provide safe, healthy places to stay for people struggling with homelessness during the pandemic.
Family violence prevention
A 24-hour Family Violence Information Line at 310-1818 provides anonymous help in more than 170 languages.
Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence is available at 1-866-403-8000, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
People fleeing family violence can call local police or the nearest RCMP detachment to apply for an Emergency Protection Order, or follow the steps in the Emergency Protection Orders Telephone Applications (COVID-19).
Information sheets and other resources on family violence prevention are available at alberta.ca/COVID19.
Quick facts
Legal requirements for physical distancing and isolating when sick or showing symptoms are still in effect, and all Albertans must adhere to these restrictions.
Good hygiene is your best protection: wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cough or sneeze into an elbow or sleeve, and dispose of tissues appropriately.
Albertans are asked to share acts of kindness during this difficult time at #AlbertaCares.
Alberta Connects Contact Centre (310-4455) is open Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Provincial Press Release August 27, 2020 4:24 pm