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The Night Before, The Night Before 2021 (video) December 24, 2021 @ 2:30 pm

Although the weather was less than perfect, the town of Stettler was busy as usual for the cherished, annual holiday tradition of The Night Before, The Night Before festivities this year.

As they have for many years, the Jewel Theatre showed a free Christmas movie matinee, the Alberta Prairie Crew offered free train rides, and the shops were open for last-minute gifts and special treats.

In front of Wells furniture, there was a tractor-powered hayride, a visit with sheep, and Bernie handed out treat bags to the kids.

We have heard wonderful stories about The Night Before, The Night Before:

  • people who love to visit their family in Stettler for the holidays just for this event

  • parents who took their kids on the holiday train while growing up and now take their grandkids to continue the tradition

  • little kids (and big kids!) that can’t wait to see the holiday matinee at the Jewel Theatre because it has always been part of their annual Christmas celebration

  • a family in the area who loves to leave all their shopping until this night because they love to walk the streets of Stettler for the festivities

However, whenever you celebrate, we at wish you a safe and Happy Holidays!


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