Stettler Board of Trade Media Release July 12, 2021 @2:27pm published at 2:41pm
Canada Shop Local funds to benefit small and medium businesses
Across the province, businesses have been struggling with ever-changing needs due to the decreasing oil and gas reliance and the COVID-19 pandemic. Small and medium sized businesses are the backbone of our community, and they have shown tremendous strength and the ability to diversify under unknown conditions. To further assist with the regrowth of local business, the Government of Canada has released funds to local Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade to encourage consumers to continue to shop local.
“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, community chambers have truly been a lifeline for
businesses,” says Ken Kobly, Alberta Chambers of Commerce President and CEO. “As we
transition to reopening and recovery, we still have a long road ahead to rebuild our economy.
This federal funding will help chambers do what we do best: support local job creators.”
With the approval of the Shop Local projects, the Stettler Regional Board of Trade will implement programs from education to ecommerce, offering additional opportunities of promotion and business success. In partnership with the Alberta Chamber of Commerce, the new Chamber Market initiative will allow consumers the opportunity to shop local when and where they choose while still supporting local business. Contrarily, assisting with growth for those who choose to take part, businesses are afforded the opportunity to increase their customer potential outside the Stettler area resulting in a prospective increase of consumer sales.
“Many businesses locally are operating with skeletal staff and managers and owners are increasing their workloads just to make it through another day. Our goal is to assist them by not only promoting their local businesses, but to inform them of ways they can confidently promote themselves with ease and improve their business practices.”- Matt, Dorsett, Stettler Board of Trade President
“These initiatives will create stronger communities, support the local workforce, and allow
businesses to be competitive in an ever-changing market. It’s a win-win and we are excited for the opportunity.” – Donna Morris, Project Manager “We are greatly appreciative of the funding provided by the federal government and their continued support of our local community.”
The Canada Shop Local funding will assist with programs running through to the end of 2021. For more information, contact Donna Morris, Project Manager, at the Stettler Regional Board of Trade office by calling 403-742-3181 or emailing