September 4, 2020 4:00 pm

Brad Robbins from the Stettler Recreation Centre helpfully explained the changes we’ll need to know about to stay safe during hockey season via a video this week. Robbins managed to show exactly what will be expected, using a camera that followed him from the parking lot to the dressing room to the arena itself. He pointed out all of the specific changes that the Rec Centre has made for us, so we can all be prepared.
Firstly, when using the arena, you’ll need to use the south entrance, not the main doors at the front. Take care to use the door on the right-hand side, which will have a sticker. Once inside, stick to the right as much as you can so that those coming out can keep their distance safely as well. There will be red tape along the floor and distance stickers to help you, similar to ones you’ve seen at stores in town.
Robbins asks us to please enter the arena no more than 20 minutes before your ice time, and with only one adult per skater. The Rec Centre understands that some families may need to bring infants if they can’t arrange childcare, but one lap infant per adult per skater will be the only exception.
There will be hand sanitizer stations in the lobby, and each team or skating organization will have a table set up to screen participants and sign them in before they are allowed into the locker rooms. Locker rooms will not be open until 15 minutes before your ice time, so it might be a good idea to practice dressing quickly if your skater is younger. Once in the locker room, you’ll see distance stickers on the benches, and when your skater is dressed they’ll need to sit right on the spot and wait for their coach to knock.
Once you are out in the arena itself, the team benches will be off-limits except in the case of injured players, and they will have to spread their water bottles out along the space. Parents in the stands will need to stick to certain rows, which will be marked, and keep three open sticker spots between one another.
When kids are done on the ice, parents will need to head outside to wait for them instead of accompanying them to the locker rooms, although that rule is likely to change once the weather gets colder. Please keep in mind that these rules are for the Blue Arena, which will be the first to open, and that things may change in the Red Arena. Also, rules may be different depending on the municipality in which your child plays, although some rules will be consistent across the board because they are enforced by Alberta Hockey.
As we’ve all seen, anything can happen, so plan to remain flexible throughout the hockey and skating season.
