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Increased supports for Alberta caregivers

Government is providing $3 million to Caregivers Alberta to expand supports for caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.

Funding to the non-profit organization will help expand support programs and resources for the almost one million Albertans who are caregivers for family and friends, and ensure the many dedicated Albertans caring for their loved ones at home or in the community have access to the supports they need to maintain their well-being. 

“Caregivers are essential to the well-being and quality of life of over one million Albertans. This is particularly true as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding to increase supports for caregivers is part of our government’s commitment to ensure that all Albertans are taken care of – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.” Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health

Caregivers Alberta is the only community organization in Alberta dedicated to the diverse needs of all Alberta caregivers. Funding will help Caregivers Alberta expand supports and increase the reach of these supports so more Albertans can benefit. Supports include:

  • Developing a public awareness campaign to highlight the importance of caregivers and their work.

  • Compiling an inventory of caregiver supports across the province.

  • Expanding the hours of the Caregiver Advisor phone line.

  • Establishing a referral system to link caregivers and Caregivers Alberta through health-care providers.

  • Updating and expanding support programs.

  • Providing employers with resources to support caregivers in the workplace.

  • Developing a coaching program for caregivers.

“Developing effective caregiver supports so Albertans can age well in their homes and communities is a priority for our government. This funding will make a big difference in the lives of many Albertans and I look forward to seeing the positive impact these additional supports will have on the lives of caregivers and those of their loved ones.” Josephine Pon, Minister of Seniors and Housing
“Without family and friend caregivers, our health-care system would simply collapse – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding will help support the almost one million caregivers across the province with caregiver-focused programs and services.” Sandra Sereda, executive director, Caregivers Alberta

Psychosocial, along with other peer and community supports, are currently available through the toll-free caregiver advisor line at 1-877-453-5088 and online at for all caregivers, including those caring for someone with COVID-19 or in self-isolation. Medical concerns or questions about COVID-19 or how best to care for someone with COVID-19, are best directed to Alberta Health Services’ Health Link at 811. For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and tips on how to reduce your risk, visit Help prevent the spread.

Alberta has a comprehensive response to COVID-19 including measures to enhance social distancing, screening and testing. Financial supports are helping Alberta families and businesses.

Provincial Press Release April 14, 2020 @ 3:47 PM


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