Summer is on the way and that means Summer Programming at the HYC! Our summer flyers are being released this week, so scroll through to take a look at all of the incredible activities we have planned for your kids this summer.
Registration opens June 5 at 10:00 am and must be done online at: https://online.traxsolutions.com/bgccan/main#/dashboard
Please note, when you register for programs (on or after June 5), you will be added to the waitlist automatically. Families who complete their volunteer hours will be given priority registration. In addition, RAD Summer Day Camp registrations will be limited to 1-3 weeks to allow the maximum number of kids to attend our programs.
You will not be asked to pay while on the wait list. When registration is confirmed, and payment is requested, you can pay by credit card online, or you can edit the payment amount to $0.00 to request a subsidy, pay by e-transfer, or pay in-person by cash or cheque.
For more information please visit our website: https://www.heartlandyouthcenter.ca/projects and watch our Facebook Page for updates!
