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Congratulations to the Wm E Hay Class of 2022! (Grad photo gallery)

Updated: Jun 23, 2022 June 21 , 2022 @ 2:30 PM

edited June 23 @ 3:30pm

2022 Valedictorian - Emma McMullin

Wm E Hay hosts their graduation ceremonies on Saturday, June 25th.

For the first time in two years, the school will host an in-person ceremony, beginning at 3 pm. This is an invitation-only event.

2022’s Graduating Class Valedictorian is Emma McMullin of Big Valley. Emma will be attending the University of Calgary in the nursing program next year.

On June 16th, the Graduates did the traditional hoodie parade through

the Stettler Elementary School, took their Hoodie Photos, had a Graduate barbecue and presented their “Mr and Miss” awards. This was the final day of classes for Wm E Hay grade 12 students.

Graduation ceremonies will be live streamed on YouTube here

WM E Hay Class of 2022

Not pictured: Gage Hunt, Skylar Hymers, James McArthur, Matthew Neale, Cody Paulson, Tess Thurston, Justin Weaver.