It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! Join us for a free holiday dinner, dance, and market, where kids can find the perfect gift for their loved ones. Plus, get free photos with Santa!
December 13
Supper at 5:30
Dance at 6:30
Free Christmas Market for kids opens at 3:30
Registration is required for the dinner, so please register at the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cSqy6x8tgEHPA-XblZvqsUAXrENwUUTnNrIGvLiCMtE/viewform?ts=655e8e9e&edit_requested=true
Stettler District Agricultural Society Stettler Connects Information and Referral Centre Heartland Youth Center Rural Mental Health Project Stettler & District Rural Mental Health Project