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Two-car wreck at Boston Pizza intersection (video) November 21, 2020 @ 2:47pm

Emergency Services were called to a two vehicle collision at approximately 10:30 am on Saturday, November 21st, 2020 in west Stettler, Alberta.

Stettler Regional Fire & Rescue, Stettler RCMP and Stettler Emergency Medical Services responded to a two vehicle collision that appeared to first responders to be a “t-bone” or side impact collision; when the front of one vehicle is found to crash into the side of another.

One vehicle on scene appeared to take the brunt of the damage and could be observed blocking the northbound lane to the south of the intersection, while RCMP looked to be interviewing those involved in, or possibly witnesses to, the accident.

Traffic was only impacted in a minor capacity as crews on scene investigated the situation and firefighters and trucks were used to limit the traffic flow allowing them space to work.

It only took about an hour before the intersection was once again clear and traffic was able to return to normal.

No information was available at the time of this report regarding any possible injuries sustained during the accident, or persons involved.


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