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Town of Stettler To Host Canada Day Fireworks Display

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

The Town of Stettler is pleased to announce that the annual Canada Day fireworks display will proceed on July 1st, 2020 at approximately 11:00 P.M. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the limitations regarding outdoor gatherings, there will be no access to the

interior of West Stettler Park, and no events prior to the fireworks. We ask that residents enjoy the show from their property if possible, or from the comfort of their vehicles in the designated parking areas, as outlined in the map below.

If you are walking to West Stettler Park, please ensure that you are meeting the social distancing guidelines of 6 feet between individuals from different households, as outlined by Alberta Health Services. The fireworks display will launch from inside West Stettler Park rather than 70th Street to ensure that there is ample parking for all visitors. The display is being designed to maximize height to give everyone an excellent view of the fireworks from the various parking lots and the surrounding area.

We thank all participants for their cooperation as we work to ensure a fun and safe celebration for the community. On behalf of the Town of Stettler, we hope that you have a wonderful Canada Day!

Town of Stettler Press Release June 23, 2020 @ 12:00 PM


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