May 13, 2021 @ 2:15pm
The small group who protested the COVID-19 lockdown on Monday invited to attend a planning meeting.
The group of eleven explained they have no designated leader and they have asked that names be withheld so the focus is on their message.
Members of the group are long-time Stettler and Stettler County residents and some are business owners.
They vary in opinions and views on the current COVID situation but have been able to agree on a few base principles.
The group feels strongly that the COVID lockdowns have done more harm than good for the economy and that the government doesn’t seem to be making plans to help those that are struggling mentally, and emotionally, from aspects of the COVID crisis. Those who are out of work, who can’t pay bills or don’t know how much longer they can keep their business afloat, are just a few of the issues they wish the government would discuss more.
Some members feel that people are being told what to think and that is simply adding to the divide that is making things difficult for people.
The group has established an internal mandate that they use to guide how they interact with each other and with those that might approach them in public.
Respect everyone’s opinion
Not to minimize anyone for any reason
Not to punish people for holding opinions that differ from theirs
The group discussed the varying experiences they had at the protest stating that most people were neutral but they received curious looks, a few questions and noted that a few people did shout vulgarities despite the presence of children.
The group hopes to continue with future demonstrations.
Carson Ellis, Reporter