September 23, 2021 @4:00pm
Why are you running?
I am a firm believer in fair, honest representation. While I certainly have my own opinions and am passionate about them, I always take time to listen to others before making a decision. This gives a more clear and accurate picture.

What riding are you running for?
Botha-Gadsby Ward 3
What is your background?
I am a recently retired Chemical Technologist after working for over 38 years at the Battle River Generating Station. My education includes a year at the U of S in the College of Agriculture before transferring to what is now known as Sask Polytechnic and graduated from Biological Sciences with a major in Animal Health. I also have a Business diploma from Red Deer College and am a former member of the Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association. In my working career, I was heavily involved in the Canadian Energy Workers Association, holding progressively senior positions. I retired as Vice President. In my role with the union, I was chair of the Education Committee, helped members resolve work-related issues, and was successful in negotiating several Collective Agreements. I have also served on the Board of Directors for Heartland Victim Services for 7 years and am a member of the Kids With Cancer Society.
What do you hope to accomplish if you win?
I have been going through some of the County bylaws and finding there are rules for the rules. They are quite convoluted and need to be cleaned up. I hope to help clear up the Botha drainage ditch issue and get the ‘gravel wars’ issue put to rest.
Anything else you would like to let people know?
My husband and I live North of Gadsby on the land that has been in his family for over 110 years. This is where we raised our kids and run a beef cow/calf operation. The County is a great place to live and I would like to help keep it that way. My past work and volunteer experience would be a great asset to do just that.
Thank you to Dianne Baird for participating in our Candidate Spotlights.