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3/11 Local counties sign Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework

In recent weeks, Lacombe County Council signed three separate Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICF) with Red Deer County, County of Stettler, and Camrose County. Following discussions, the municipalities worked out details for the ICF document, which specifies what and how services are funded and delivered, ensuring they are working together efficiently and economically for their ratepayers.

“The signing of these Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks demonstrates the positive, collaborative relationships that we have with our municipal neighbours in Stettler County, Camrose County and Red Deer County,” said Lacombe County Reeve Paula Law. “While we might not share direct services – like road maintenance – ratepayers access public amenities, like recreational spaces or parks, on both sides of the border. This framework ensures continued collaboration and communication between our municipalities.”The individual agreements that Lacombe County has with each of Red Deer County, County of Stettler, and Camrose County include the following points:

  • Each County will continue to provide all services to its respective residents independently of the other County.

  • If either County initiates a new project and/or service that may require a cost-sharing agreement, appropriate notification to the other County is required. The criteria for assessing the desirability for funding the project and/or service and a process for determining participation in it is also identified.

An Intermunicipal Committee comprised of two elected officials and two staff members from each municipality will be the forum for reviewing the ICF on a go-forward basis.

County of Stettler Council begins this morning at 10 and will consider ICF agreements with Paintearth, Special Area and Flagstaff as well.

“This agreement formalizes the strong relationship between our two Counties. I would like to thank Administration on both sides for their hard work. Red Deer County shares values as well as borders with our neighbours, and we will continue to build relationships that lead to healthy and prosperous conditions for everyone living in this region.” - Mayor Jim Wood, Red Deer County

We appreciate the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate existing opportunities and investigate new collaborative opportunities through the creation of the IFCs. We look forward to maintaining these municipal partnerships.” - Reeve, Larry Clarke, County of Stettler No. 6

"Lacombe County and Camrose County, through our council members and our administration, have fostered good working relationships with our rural neighbours for the benefit of our ratepayers. The signing of the ICF reinforces our continued success."- Reeve Cindy Trautman, Camrose County

Stettler County Council begins this morning at 10 and will consider ICF agreements with Paintearth, Special Area ands Flagstaff.

Press Release via County of Stettler March 11, 2020 at 8:58am


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