Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement to mark Korean War Veterans Day:
“Sixty-seven years ago today, the combat phase of the Korean War came to an end with the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement.
The armistice marked the formal ceasefire after three years of civil war in the divided Korean peninsula. The conflict cost the lives of millions of military and civilians. While the armistice agreement has secured peace ever since, the war has technically never ended.
More than 7,000 Canadians, as part of a 16-nation United Nations force, fought to defend the southern Republic of Korea after its invasion by the communist north. Canadians sent ships and aircraft, and provided jet pilots to the United States Air Force. Canada also fought in many ground battles, and patrolled tirelessly, often in horrendous conditions. It was Canada’s bloodiest conflict since the two world wars; of more than 26,000 Canadian men and women who served in Korea, more than 500 made the ultimate sacrifice, and more than 1,200 were wounded.
Today, the Republic of Korea is a prosperous and democratic nation and a great friend of Canada. South Koreans are grateful for the aid and sacrifice Canadians generously offered them, not only during the war but in peacekeeping efforts in the years that followed.
I invite all Albertans to join me today in acknowledging and celebrating those Canadian men and women who served in defence of Korea’s freedom and security, and their colleagues who gave their lives in the effort. We will remember them.” Jason Kenney, Alberta Premier
Provincial Press Release July 27, 2020 9:02 am adapted for