Stage two of the relaunch strategy can safely begin on June 12. Hospitalization rates remain low with 46 people in hospital, six of whom are in intensive care. In total, 6,722 Albertans have recovered from COVID-19.
Twenty-seven new cases of COVID-19 and two new deaths were reported in Alberta today.
Latest updates
27 new cases bring the number of total active cases to 356.
Cases have been identified in all zones across the province:
Calgary zone: 210 active cases and 4,672 recovered
South zone: 18 active cases and 1,240 recovered
Edmonton zone: 112 active cases and 498 recovered
North zone: 15 active cases and 214 recovered
Central zone: zero active cases and 86 recovered
One active case and 12 recovered cases in zones to be confirmed
Additional information, including case totals, is online.
To date, 577 cases have an unknown exposure.
So far, labs have performed 303,689 tests on 272,967 Albertans, with 4,993 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
Deaths total 151: 111 in the Calgary zone; 16 in the North zone; 13 in the Edmonton zone; 10 in the South zone; and one in the Central zone.
There are 29 active cases and 690 recovered cases at continuing care facilities; 116 facility residents have died.
Alberta moving to stage two of relaunch
Testing data shows active COVID-19 cases in Alberta are lower than expected. Stage two of the relaunch strategy can safely begin on June 12.
Safety remains the top priority. More businesses, sport and recreation services can open. Some larger gatherings will be permitted. In all cases, public health guidance must be followed.
The success of stage two will determine when Alberta progresses to stage three. Factors are: active cases, infection rates, health-care system capacity, cases in hospital and intensive care.
For more information, visit alberta.ca/RelaunchStrategy.
Free non-medical masks
Albertans can get four free non-medical masks per person at any Alberta A&W, McDonald’s Canada and Tim Hortons drive-thru while supplies last, no purchase necessary.
Masks are at drive-thrus only. Those who can’t get to a drive-thru can check other options here.
Supporting Alberta businesses through relaunch
The Alberta Biz Connect web page has health and safety guidelines for general workplaces, and sector-specific guidelines. As we near the next stage of relaunch, businesses are encouraged to continue to check for new and updated guidance documents.
A template on the Biz Connect website can help businesses plan how to protect employees and patrons from infection. Completing the template is voluntary.
Next updates
The next media availability with the chief medical officer of health will be held on June 10.
Albertans downloading tracer app
The ABTraceTogether app enhances manual contact tracing and capacity, and facilitates early detection. It means Albertans will be contacted more quickly if they are at risk.
Use of the app is voluntary; users must opt in. The app currently has 201,733 registered users.
Protecting privacy is paramount. The app does not track the user’s physical location and does not use GPS. All contact data is only on the user’s phone and is deleted after 21 days.
Secure contact tracing is a cornerstone of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy. More information and links to download the app are online.
Mental health supports
Confidential supports are available to help with mental health concerns. The Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642 and the Addiction Help Line at 1-866-332-2322 operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Canadian Mental Health Association has resources at mentalhealthweek.ca.
The Kids Help Phone is available 24-7 and offers professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people by texting CONNECT to 686868.
Online resources provide advice on handling stressful situations and ways to talk with children.
Family violence prevention
A 24-hour Family Violence Information Line at 310-1818 provides anonymous help in more than 170 languages.
Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence is available at 1-866-403-8000, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
People fleeing family violence can call local police or the nearest RCMP detachment to apply for an Emergency Protection Order. The requirement for in-person applications is temporarily suspended.
Information sheets and other resources on family violence prevention are at alberta.ca/COVID19.
Quick facts
Good hygiene is the most important measure to prevent respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, and dispose of tissues appropriately.
Albertans are asked to share acts of kindness they have experienced in their community during this difficult time by using the hashtag #AlbertaCares.
The Alberta Connects Contact Centre (310-4455) is available to Albertans Monday to Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Provincial Press Release June 9, 2020