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Have your say on firearms policy

Provincial Press Release November 9, 2020 @ 11:04am published at 2:14pm

Albertans can now speak up about provincial firearms policy and the federal government’s “gun grab.”

Albertans are encouraged to share their opinions through an online survey and through two telephone town hall events being held on Nov. 17 and 23. Information on participating in these activities is available through the Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee website. Each town hall will be able to accommodate 1,000 people and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

“The Government of Alberta is committed to protecting public safety and ensuring law-abiding firearms owners are respected. Recent legislation announced by the federal government would punish hard-working farmers, hunters and other lawful gun owners, while failing to address the true problem: the flow of illegal firearms throughout Canada from south of the border. Albertans must be heard, and these consultations will help Alberta’s government develop a responsible firearms-use policy that deters criminals without attacking law-abiding gun owners – and in turn free up the courts for serious matters.” Kaycee Madu, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General

The Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee, chaired by Brooks-Medicine Hat MLA Michaela Glasgo, is examining the impact of the federal ban of more than 1,500 firearms. In light of this ban, the committee will consider how provincial firearms policies can best meet the needs of law-abiding Albertans. This work will support responsible gun owners, as will the establishment of a provincial firearms office and the appointment of a chief provincial firearms officer (CPFO).

An implementation team has been set up to oversee the transition to the provincial firearms office, and this winter they will begin a process to identify a suitable CPFO. The Chief Provincial Firearms Office will be operational next summer.

“This engagement will help the committee develop recommendations on how the province of Alberta can better assert itself in areas of provincial jurisdiction. Alberta’s long history of responsible firearms ownership by law-abiding citizens deserves respect; so do Albertans’ property rights. The committee will also make recommendations on how a Chief Provincial Firearms Officer can strengthen the administration of the firearms program to improve services for gun owners.” MLA for Brooks-Medicine Hat Michaela Glasgo, chair of the Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee.

“I encourage gun owners across Alberta to make their voices heard because we are stronger together. I also commend the provincial government’s decision to set up a Chief Provincial Firearms Office and appoint a Chief Provincial Firearms Officer. This is a great way to support the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding firearms owners in Alberta. Safe use of our firearms is ingrained in Alberta’s culture – it is part of who we are.” David Schoenberg, north central zone director of the International Practical Shooting Confederation, Alberta

Quick Facts

  • On May 1, 2020, the federal government prohibited buying, using and selling thousands of firearms.

  • The federal Canadian Firearms Program is responsible for the administration of the Firearms Act and regulations, and works closely with partners and stakeholders to promote firearms safety.

  • The program’s latest report highlights the following:

    • 3,427 firearms were seized by public service agencies in Alberta during 2018. Nationally, 25,430 were seized.

    • Across Canada, between 2014 and 2018, 84,576 firearms registrations were refused or revoked.

    • There are 316,791 licensed firearms owners in Alberta.

    • At the end of December 2018, there were 218,305 firearms registered to businesses or individuals in the province.


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