March 14, 2021 @ 11:30am

The County of Stettler No. 6 Council met March 10 with all Councillors, Reeve Clarke and staff in attendance. Councillor Wayne Nixon was sworn in as Deputy Reeve replacing Councillor Stilberg who was the Deputy Reeve for the past eight months.
Library Funding
Councillor Stulllberg reported that with no cuts from the Province of Alberta to the MSI (Municipal Sustainability Initiative) operating funding, inquiries to the County have been received if the County would reconsider the cut in lieu of this information. CAO Yvette Cassidy reported that MSI would be a little higher than what we expected and then there would be a reduction in the next two years. Cassidy reported that the County has requested funding allocations from Municipal Affairs for 2021, 2022 and 2023 and recommended putting the excess MSI funding into a reserve for allocating stabilized funding. An amended budget will be brought forward in April or May with the MSI figures. MSI operating is used by the County for this type of funding. MSI funding has been extended for two more years and then the County will be on the same charter as Edmonton and Calgary.
Stettler Regional Board of Trade Presentation
Stacey Benjamin, Executive Director and Matt Dorsett, President presented an overview. The Stettler Regional Board of Trade is economic development in a regional context for the Town and County of Stettler and a modern approach to the historical chamber of commerce model combined with a community economic development model. Benjamin and CAO Greg Switenky recently participated in a podcast talking with Doug Griffiths on the differences in their model and why it works for the community. The Board of Trade is currently funded through business license fees and approximately 10% of non-residential taxes making up their funding. All businesses with a Town of Stettler business license are members of the board of trade. The Board of Trade staff are involved with many initiatives and developing partnerships in the community. The Stettler Regional Board of Trade was launched in 2000, and in 2005, the Stettler Chamber of Commerce and Stettler Marketing Corp were amalgamated into the Stettler Regional Board and Trade & Community Development. In 2008, they became an accredited visitor information provider for the province and continue to keep up their accreditation.
The Destination Stettler subcommittee was launched to market Stettler and they work closely with Travel Alberta, Tourism Drumheller, Tourism Red Deer and Tourism Camrose. The board of trade was awarded a Travel Alberta COVID relief grant to continue marketing this year. The Stettler Trade show celebrates their 40th anniversary this year, and there are many other events in the community during the year. They have partnerships with Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network, Travel Alberta, Stettler Community Organizations, Economic Developers of Alberta, Business Link, Communiture Futures, Alberta Chambers of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Stettler Board of Trade employs 3 staff members, and 18 board members represent the organization.
Meeting with Alberta Environment and Protection (AEP)
CAO Cassidy, Reeve Clarke, Andrew Brysiuk, Director of Municipal Services, and Rick Green, Director of Operations met with AEP to discuss issues with enforcement with EPA, development that requires approval from AEP and options for joint investigations, case by case joint investigation and information sharing. They can also give our officers designates on a case-by-case basis to keep the weight of AEP behind them to eliminate issues. Presentation of options to work with AEP will be brought forward in the future but AEP is not providing increased resources at this time.
The next County of Stettler Council meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Council Meeting agendas are available at

Jody Craig, Reporter