Clearview Public Schools has provided a comprehensive handbook that will help families in understanding re-entry for 2020-21, including programming options, with a focus on safety and the best learning environment for students.
We have missed our students and cannot wait to welcome them back to school on August 31. Clearview Public Schools are committed to excellent teaching and learning while ensuring safe and healthy environments for all students and staff.
To keep everyone as safe as possible, we have made a number of changes to school routines and practices to adhere to Alberta Health Services’ (AHS) risk mitigation strategies and to ensure multiple layers of protection for all students, staff, and community. And as the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, so, too, will our approach and our strategies. We look forward to connecting with students in August to welcome them back and help them adjust to the new changes.
We have taken the guidelines provided by Alberta Education and the Chief Medical Officer of Health to create a plan that is currently tailored toward Alberta Education’s Scenario 1: In-School Learning - classes resume, near normal conditions with health measures.
This plan is intended for staff, students, families, and community members. Dr. Deena Hinshaw has often stated, “We are in this together”. This means that for a successful re-entry to occur, we will need everyone in our learning community to play their part.
Clearview Public Schools is committed to the following principles:
Student and staff health and safety are our priorities.
High quality student learning will occur no matter which scenario we are in.
There will be a collective effort to keep everyone safe, and schools open.
Ongoing communication, and informing everyone of changes in expectations.
Being prepared to transition from one scenario to another with short notice.
Cleaview recognizes parents/guardians and staff will likely have questions in the coming weeks as we all prepare to return to school. We encourage you to submit your questions to your school principal or through the Clearview website. Parents/guardians are also asked to watch for communication on or before Aug. 28, 2020, with more details of what they can expect for their children when school returns. The provincial government has provided a re-entry tool kit as a resource for parents to help prepare them for returning to school.
Details will be added as more information is known and I hope the following document will provide you with the assurance you require to make an informed decision about returning to school under Scenario 1. Please remember this is a dynamic document and will change based on the newest guidelines and evidence based recommendations from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Education.
We take this responsibility seriously. There is nothing more important to us than the safety and well-being of our staff and students.
Clearview’s Re-Entry Handbook
For more information, please visit our website at
Interested in At-Home Learning or the Homeschool Program?
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Clearview Public Schools Press Release August 24, 2020 4:18 pm