Clearview Public Schools Release December 7, 2020 published December 9, 2020 @ 6:21am

Norb Baharally started in Stettler School District in 1988 at Wm. E. Hay Composite High School and has dedicated himself to fostering students' learning and inspiring students to reach their full potential. Congratulations to Norb on his retirement!
Norb has served in the following roles:
P.E. and Social Studies (1988 - 1993)
Guidance Counselor (Student Service) from 1993 - 1998
Vice Principal 1998 until 2005
Principal in 2005 until June 2020
“I am very grateful and proud of the fact that I was fortunate enough to spend my entire teaching career at the same school. I was able to work with, collaborate and mentor great colleagues throughout my career. I am very proud of the work that our staff did with the Alberta Education High School Flexibility Enhancement Pilot Project. I am also very happy with the work that was done by our School Division, School and Staff with the grade reconfiguration at the Stettler School Complex and the Stettler Outreach School.” - Norb Baharally
“I don’t think that I will ever come across another educator that commits their entire career of 32 years to one single school while serving the last 14 years as the principal. Norb’s visionary leadership moved Wm. E. Hay to the forefront of secondary education in our province and country. His ability to manage such a dynamic and fast-paced organization with his attention to detail was simply amazing. However, despite all of the challenges that one meets with leading a school, Norb never lost sight of what really mattered—students always came first.” - Warren Aspenes
Clearview thanks Norb for his commitment to teaching and we wish you well in retirement!