Daram Van Oers has been with Clearview since 1993, and has served in the roles of school principal and teacher. He has been the principal of Gus Wetter School since 2003.
In his leadership roles, Daram has been responsible for all aspects of school leadership, including budgeting, staff recruitment and development, and ensuring student success.
“Daram has been a highly successful leader in Gus Wetter and a key player in Clearview’s leadership. Daram is strongly focussed on building positive relationships, and will bring to this new role a host of experiences and skills that will benefit Clearview Public Schools.”- Superintendent Peter Barron
Daram graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a Bachelor of Education, and holds a Master of Education in Educational Administration and Leadership from the University of Alberta. Daram is married to Carla, and they have three daughters.
“I am incredibly honored, excited and greatly anticipating the opportunity to work with a great central office team as we continue to move Clearview forward!”- Daram Van Oers
For Daram van Oers, education is a family business. His father started his teaching career at Wm. E. Hay School in Stettler as a shop teacher around 1968-69, and the family lived directly across the street from the entrance to Stettler Elementary School. From there, the van Oers moved to a number of different remote communities in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Daram’s father went on to spend many years as a principal in both the Northland School Division and the Fort Vermilion School Division in the far northern reaches of Alberta before retiring. Daram’s mother started her teaching career in the 1 room school on the South Tallcree First Nations Reservation (part of the Fort Vermilion School Division) and had a long career teaching elementary school for both Northland and Fort Vermilion School Divisions before retiring. The van Oers family also spent a year teaching in Paulatuk, NWT, a small fly-in community on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, while the children attended school in Inuvik and lived in a hostel.
Daram met his wife after he began his teaching career at Cadotte Lake School (she was teaching at the Little Buffalo School just an hours drive away), with both being employed by the Northland School Division and teaching at First Nation schools in far northern Alberta. After a few years teaching in these schools, Daram and his now wife were married and moved south to the Clearview area where he started working at Gadsby School, and has enjoyed teaching in Clearview since then.
The Deputy Superintendent implements and oversees the following:
Foster high standards of instruction and professional improvement.
Provide for the professional development of staff and administrators required to support programs and services.
Annual analysis of student success is conducted as per the provincial accountability pillar and develop appropriate action plans to address areas of need.
Division-wide trends and issues relative to student achievement are identified and recommendations for improving measurable student achievement are reported to the Superintendent.
Prepare the Division academic results that are published.
Develop short and long range plans to meet the needs of the Division and provide for continuous improvement.
Ensure the effective implementation of curriculum in the Division.
Liaise with Alberta Education to ensure appropriate curriculum development and implementation.
Press Release Clearview Public School June 22, 2020 @ 11:05 AM