Clearview Public Schools notification November 12. 2020 @ 2:46PM published November 13, 2020 at 7:19AM.

Towards the Board’s focus on moving forward in a positive way, please see the Clearview Spotlights section on the Clearview web page at We continue to highlight exciting stories about students and staff throughout Clearview on an ongoing basis.
Dates to Remember November 11 Remembrance Day Schools Closed November 12 & 13 - Schools Closed No school for staff or students December 4 - Professional Day No school for students December 19, 2020 - January 3, 2021 - Christmas Break Highlights are provided as general information. For the Board’s official meeting minutes, please click HERE. For the full Board agenda and reports, click HERE. Leadership Highlights
Leadership met with the Communications and Engagement Committee on October 30, 2020.
Superintendent MacDonald and Deputy Superintendent Van Oers visited WEH SSC and SES to see students on Halloween.
Leadership met with the Policy Committee on November 2, 2020.
Superintendent MacDonald and Deputy Superintendent Van Oers met with Wolf Creek Public Schools to create a joint Dual Credit application for $50,000, now submitted to Alberta Education.
Central Leadership attended the “Proper Conduct of Investigations in an Education Setting” professional learning session.
Central Leadership attended the CASS conference on November 4 and 5.
Superintendent MacDonald and Deputy Superintendent Van Oers began developing a strategic plan for CTS/CTF and Dual Credit.
Superintendent MacDonald and Deputy Superintendent Van Oers conducted several school visits and attended a number of School Council meetings.
The Deputy Superintendent is investigating how basketball season may look in Clearview along with the Sports Committee.
The Superintendent drafted a working plan for school principal growth, supervision and evaluation, and booked dates with all principals as needed.
Clearview’s Principles and Priorities for 2020-21 At workshops held in September and October, conversations were held on the current Principles and Priorities of Clearview with the Board to seek that they reflect the direction needed to ensure student success. Clearview’s Principles and Priorities serve as the basis for the Three-Year Education Plan, Strategic Plan and budget priorities. The updated Priorities for 2020-21 are as follows:
First-Choice Learning Environment
Clearview Public Schools is the first-choice for students and families in our communities. We celebrate our learning environments which are so engaging, welcoming and successful that parents and students choose Clearview over any other education alternatives.
Promote growth and success for all students
Clearview would like to increase our students’ opportunities for success by ensuring high performance learning at all levels. In addition to academic performance, Clearview will also be focusing on student creativity, innovation and student resilience.
Meet the needs of all students with the provision of high-quality CTS and CTF programming
The CTF and CTS programs are designed to develop skills that students can apply in their daily lives when preparing for entry into the workplace or for further learning opportunities. Clearview will provide students with opportunities to personalize their learning, identify and explore their interests while developing basic competencies that people need to participate and progress in today’s dynamic world of work.
Enhance public education through effective engagement
Clearview recognizes and values our school and community stakeholders, we seek opportunities to increase student, staff and parent engagement and invite community partners to join us in advocating for public school education. To monitor progress and to plan in a manner that cultivates a shared vision for student success and well-being. Readers can access the complete list of revised Priorities, including measurable outcomes, by clicking HERE.
Clearview supporting families in need during the holidays A donation of $1,295 from the Board of Trustees will be provided to four food banks in our communities. The Trustees are waiving their honorarium from the December Board Meeting to fund the donation. The donation will be divided between Big Valley, Castor, Coronation and Stettler food banks based on student populations across Clearview Public Schools. The Board of Trustees uses this opportunity during the holiday season to provide a donation to the local food banks on behalf of Clearview staff, in lieu of staff receiving a gift. In past years, Clearview staff have shown appreciation for the Board providing this help to families in need during this time of year.
Learning Calendar development planning started Superintendent MacDonald reviewed three options which are being considered for the learning calendar in 2021-22. The options will be shared with Clearview leadership (including school principals), staff and school councils. Feedback from all stakeholders will be shared with the Board of Trustees in January 2021 along with a recommendation. For more information, please click HERE.
FIRST READING provided to two new policies Two new policies are being considered by the Board for consideration: “Alternate Programs” and “Recruitment and Selection of Personnel” and will be sent out to COSC and staff for consultation. To review the proposed policies, click HERE.
For further information, please call Board Chair Guy Neitz at 403-741-4367 or Superintendent Brenda MacDonald at 403-742-3331.