Many property crimes are crimes of opportunity, and by having a #9PMRoutine, Albertans can help protect their property from theft.
The 9 pm Routine movement began in Pasco County, Florida and is used by police forces across the world. It is a nightly reminder for people to make sure their homes, vehicles and property are locked up and secured for the night.
Alberta RCMP will be posting on Twitter and Facebook every night for the month of June to remind residents to lock up and put away valuables. Albertans are encouraged to check-in by using #9PMRoutine when they are done locking up. Checking-in on social media doesn’t have to stop after June, citizens are encouraged to continue to check-in on a nightly basis so they don’t forget! We will also be sending a special shoutout mid-way through the month for a Twitter follower who has been checking in with us during her 9 pm routine for a year!
Days are getting longer, so even if people have a 10 pm or 11 pm routine, they’re still encouraged to participate. We are using #9PMRoutine because of its popularity across the globe.
Here are some examples of reminders that will be sent:
· Is your front door locked?
· Are your tools put away?
· Is your dirt bike put away?
· Are your windows locked?
· Are your bikes put away?
· Are your vehicle’s windows shut?
· Did you remove the keys from your vehicle?
Follow #9PMRoutine and our social media accounts for nightly reminders and more crime prevention tips on Facebook (@RCMPinAlberta) and Twitter (@RCMPAlberta).
RCMP encourage the public to report any criminal or suspicious activity to police. Reports tell us where to look, who to look for, and where to patrol in the future. If you see a crime in progress, dial 911. If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at www.P3Tips.com or by using the “P3 Tips” app available through the Apple App or Google Play Store.
RCMP Press Release June 3, 2020 @ 9:00 AM