RCMP Press Release June 29, 2021 @ 8:09am published at 1:25pm

With Canada Day approaching, many Albertans are making plans to celebrate the national holiday. The Alberta RCMP reminds motorists that while July 1 is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the start of summer, it is important to practice safe, sober driving. Impaired driving is always preventable and can always be avoided.
In 2020, approximately 20% of all fatal motor vehicle collisions in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions involved impaired driving. Officers removed 310 impaired drivers from our roadways in July 2020 alone. Unfortunately, eight of these incidents resulted in bodily harm.
Albertans can do their part to prevent impaired driving by practicing the following safety tips this Canada Day and all summer long:
· Never get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle when impaired.
· Arrange a sober ride to and from your destinations if you are planning on consuming drugs or alcohol.
· Do not operate off-highway or recreational vehicles while impaired. It is illegal and dangerous.
· Stand up against impaired driving and encourage others to practice smart driving behaviours.
“Driving impaired is dangerous and never worth the risk. Unfortunately, year after year, we continue to see motorists under the influence of drugs or alcohol compromising not only their own safety but the safety of others. This summer, we are asking that motorists plan ahead and take steps to ensure they are only getting behind the wheel when sober.” - Supt. Gary Graham, Alberta RCMP Traffic Services
For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.