Sep 5, 2021

Stettler & District Rural Mental Health Project works to improve local resources

Updated: Sep 9, 2021 September 5, 2021 @ 12:14 pm

Andrea Lee, Community Engagement Coordinator at FCSS

In June the Stettler FCSS launched the Stettler & District Rural Mental Health Project to create action plans that promote positive mental health and well-being in rural areas.

The project is being overseen by Community Engagement Coordinator, Andrea Lee. Lee says the Rural Mental Health Project aims to promote and improve access and support of mental health as rural areas do not receive the same amount of funding as larger centers.

At this time the project is still in the planning stages. The goal is to establish relationships with local groups and community partners to help develop the treatment of mental health specific to the Stettler District. This means that instead of making a standard action plan work for every rural area, Lee will tailor the project's network, and accessible programs, to what matches the needs in this particular area.

“My goal is to really strengthen the connections with other agencies in the area and work together to come up with viable solutions that will improve the mental health and wellness in our community.”

She believes the sentiment, shared by many, that the need for mental health support after COVID is even more important than before.

The Stettler & District Rural Mental Health Project will also work with their partners and supporters to help lift the negative stigma of mental health and encourage those who need support to reach out. This project is a great opportunity to discuss how the community can pull together to rebuild our collective wellness.

“There is a stigma attached to mental health in rural communities and we would like to help break this barrier.”

Carson Ellis, Reporter